Perfil de Andras Krizbai

Medical training center

    "Historically, the term "operating theatre" referred to a non-sterile, tiered theater or amphitheater in which students and other spectators could watch surgeons perform surgery. Contemporary operating rooms are devoid of a theater setting (though some in teaching hospitals may have small galleries), making the term "operating theater" a misnomer for the modern facility." /

    We used this description as base for our design concept. The shape of the bending glass waves are forming the original shape of the “operating theatre” where everybody seated around and watched the operation itself.  These walls framing the floor pattern  Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous drawing the “Vitruvian Man” appears. 
Medical training center

Medical training center

Interior design for a privately held medical training centre in Germany. 3D visuals are done by Sonuvo Design.
