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L'Étranger-Albert Camus

Illustration Design
"I entered the mortuary.It was a bright, spotlessly clean room, with whitewashed walls and a big skylight.The furniture consisted of some chairs and trestles."

"For a moment I had an absurd impression that they had come to sit in judgment on me."

"The hall was dark, and when I was starting up the stairs,I almost bumped into old Salamano,who lived on the same floor as I.As usual, he had his dog with him.For eight years the two had been inseparable."

"Marie came that evening and asked me if I'd marry her.I said I didn't mind; if she was keen on it, we'd get married.Then she asked me again if I loved her.​​​​​​​"

"The beach was within easy walking distance, but the sooner we got there the better.Just as we were starting for the bus stop,Raymond plucked my sleeve and told me to look across the street,I saw some Arabs longing against the tobacconist's window."

"I couldn’t stand it any longer, and took another step forward.I knew it was a fool thing to do; I wouldn’t get out of the sun by moving on a yard or so.But I took that step, just one step forward." 

“It’ll all come right,you’ll see, and then we shall get married.”All I could see of her now was the white fash of her teeth, and the little puckers round her eyes. I answered: “Do you really think so?” but chiefly because I felt it up to me to answer something.
She started talking very fast in the same high-pitched voice.
“Yes, you’ll be acquitted, and we’ll go bathing again, Sundays.”

"I hadn’t grasped how days could be at once long and short. Long, no doubt,as periods to live through, but so distended that they ended up by overlapping on each other. In fact, I never thought of days as such; only the words 'yesterday' and 'tomorrow' still kept some meaning."

"Only one incident stands out; toward the end, while my counsel rambled on, I heard the tin trumpet of an ice-cream vendor in the street, a small, shrill sound cutting across the flow of words." 

"I must have had a longish sleep, for, when I woke, the stars were shining down on my face. Sounds of the countryside came faintly in, and the cool night air,,veined with smells of earth and salt,fanned my cheeks. The marvelous peace of the sleepbound summer night fooded through me like a tide.Then, just on the edge of daybreak, I heard a steamer’s siren. People were starting on a voyage to a world which had ceased to concern me forever. "

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L'Étranger-Albert Camus

L'Étranger-Albert Camus

