
What is darkness? It’s this vibrant and noisy silence, the raw texture of air’s flesh, the uncertain and questionable outlines in the further. This is darkness - honesty in its pure form, in its animalistic sensibility towards sounds, smells, shapes and most fertilising and important of all - guessing and questioning. These two elements are crucial for the development of human nature, night, darkness, absence of light - whatever you call it - gives a person warm, safe space to second-guess, to feel himself as a being, to feel comfort of uncertainty and entrust himself into the embrace of the night. Praise the moon, that doesn’t make you responsible for anything, praise the nightly clouds that overlook you and warm you up, praise the silence and emptiness, undefined space around you that gives you comfort, whilst nothing else clutters your life with unreasonable, useless chatter and painfully ridiculous rituals.


