Perfil de Steve Wang

No.9 model idea generation

9. The last keywords combination are rhythmic + weird.
By the contrast with the last model, this keywords combination is more interesting. The keyword 'rhythmic' and 'weird' seem like contradictory. So to combine these I did some sketches to testing. In the sketches ( figure1), I tried a lot of way to presenting two elements. 
Figure 1

I get the inspiration from this image(figure 2), gymnastics is a sport that strongly gives people a feeling of rhythmic, especially the red belt, when the player brandish it, it will emerge a beautiful rhythm. 
figure 2
Then I move in to practice, The model( figure3,4,5,6) is made by matchsticks, I used the matchstick to make a lot of triangles and then let these triangles spiral upwards.
Then I get the model, the appearance and structure of it are rhythmic, it just like a dancer. It is more like a future's architecture. However, If we put it in modern society, it is weird, because nowadays for instance in Sydney, here do not have much this kind of building for work or live.
figure 3
figure 4
figure 5
figure 6
No.9 model idea generation

No.9 model idea generation


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