DSD Companies
Custom CMS | Responsive Website
2015 - 2017

DSD Companies offers a variety of freight services to California and its neighboring states. As they continue to grow and develop, DSD was in need of a content management system to make freight information available to their customers and freight brokers from their website as a resolution to the high volume of calls received by each of their facilities. 
Front-End 2015
With the growth of DSD Companies and the opening of a second facility, they required an updated responsive website where prospective customers could learn more about new services offered, facility information and service areas. Developed with HTML3/CSS5 and implementation of the Bootstrap 3 framework to create a fluid website across all devices and screen resolutions.  

Google Maps Integration 
With the integration of Google Maps, prospective new customers are able to find the business both on and off the web. 

Custom Contact Forms
Customers can request a freight or trucking quote via the forms on their respective pages. The contact forms are sent via PHP to a specific manager specified by contact form department. 

Google ReCaptcha
All contact forms are protected with Google ReCaptcha. The Google ReCaptcha API works keeps robots from filling out forms by verifying that the form was submitted by a human. ​​​​​​​
Back-End 2016
For phase 2 of this project, I was commissioned by the client to develop a content management system for customers and brokers to view the most recent details regarding their freight. I developed this system in Laravel 5.2 and deployed the final project via Heroku & PostGres with use of Git & Github.

Search Freight Availablity
Customers and freight brokers are able to search "Open" transactions only since there is no password protection required for front-end searches per the client's request. From the back-end, the client's admin users are able to conduct searches on both "Open" and "Closed" transactions as well as customer account information after logging in.
Multiple File Uploads
There are several file upload sections located in the admin panel's Account and Trucking sections. With the integration of Dropzone, admin users are able to upload multiple PDF's and photos by dragging and dropping directly into the Dropzone window. 
Trash/Restore Records 
With the implementation of Laravel’s Soft Delete feature, records are temporarily deleted and placed in the Trash, where they will stay until they are either deleted or restored. 

History Function 
The Revisionable Trait tracks changes to the CMS, which can be seen from the History page and recorded with the user name, old & new values, and timestamp converted to an easy to read format and ordered by the most recent changes. 
DSD Companies

DSD Companies

Responsive Website & Custom CMS


Creative Fields