garima chaudhary's profile

e-education for agri-export

System design 

Design objective:
To study a system and develop insights for making the system more efficient
Design process: Studying the existing system and conducting research, developing mind maps as per the understanding developed
refining the information after studying various researches and doing on-field study for the related audience
developing a system to increase the educational input for people who want to enter the field
Ecology map developed for the intended addition to the existing system.
Designing for educating the particular personas about exporting
The particular design is intended to help people develop strategies for their business and to encourage young entrepreneurs to join various fields related to export.
The final proposed information architecture for the educational website proposed.
e-education for agri-export

e-education for agri-export

Academic project: SYSTEM DESIGN Finding the best suited method of increasing productivity of the complete system. Project duration: 3 weeks
