Sanjiv Kumar profili

Social Network Monitoring Web Tool

Here this is the Landing page of Sociota.
This is the registration page.
This is the Contact page.
This is our popup page where you publish your post or Article, with image without image, choosing your whichever social account, and also you can schedule time of publishing. Here we also provide you facility to shorten the link of your post to use this for other purposes.
Here this page shows the premium-ship  for being regular user of Sociota . Here you can buy your membership with Sociota and get its long term advantages for your business.
This is a description page for users to guide the use and workings of Sociota.
This is the complete dashboard View , your keywords, sentiments, popular hours of day, all of your profiles linked, stats and also your Sociota Score is highlighted here.
here you get points for any post Click on your social account.
This page is for customer queries.
Here you manage all of your social media profiles, you can link them to Sociota or can remove it from this management platform as well.
Here you can score your activity in your social network like facebook, twitter, Google Plus etc.
Social Network Monitoring Web Tool
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Social Network Monitoring Web Tool

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