Kyle Koniewicz 的個人檔案

Best Buy - Creative Brief - Case Study


Best Buy offers high price points and low customer service, and it has become a showroom for Amazon.


Make the Best Buy brand relevant to Millennials again.

Target Market

Confident with technology
Think it's cool to be smart
Share everything: what they're doing, where they are, who they're with

The Insight: Now the geeks get the girls.

In entertainment: From Big Bang Theory to Glee to the Office. People love these characters and are even proud to call themselves 'Gleeks.' Even Walter White, the lead character in the hit series Breaking Bad, is a complete badass.
In fashion: Square-rimmed glasses, plaid shirts, and otherwise geeky styles have become a mainstream fashion movement.

Our heroes: Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg. These guys are cool!


Achieve personal fame by embracing your inner geek.
Empower Millennials to personally capture and submit original content for the chance to be released to a national audience.

Creative Executions:

Credit to:
Ramiro Ramirez - Art Director
Libby Robertson - Copywriter

Super Geek Tour
1) Sponsor a geeky recording artist's nationwide tour (i.e. Foster the People, Childish Gambino).
2) Concert-goers record and submit their experiences on their phones and/or demo products at Geek Squad kiosks.
3) Select and compile content to produce unique music videos for each event.
4) Users share the videos with their content on Facebook for likes.
5) The most popular becomes the artist's newest official music video.
Print Executions
Best Buy - Creative Brief - Case Study

Best Buy - Creative Brief - Case Study

Creative Brief developed while attending the Account Planning Bootcamp at Miami Ad School - San Francisco. The challenge: Make the Best Buy bran 閱讀更多

