Buğra Atıcı's profile

Self promotion video

Here is little something about me.
Every detail from modelling to editing final animation is done by me.
It took about 6 months to complete. Of course I didn't/couldn't work full time on this project since i had some other paid jobs. So it was interrupted often. But it was nice to spend some time learning and discovering. Internet has lots of super nice guys teaching stuff they know. Thanks to all.

Model, texture, animation, render & edit: Buğra Atıcı
Sound design: London Post - Utku Gerçik
So you real animators out there i am looking forward for your comments.
Very first draft
This is almost like a storyboard. The first idea was shaping in my mind to make a self promo movie. One long night of work and this was the result near dawn.
Some test renders
Walk cycle
Paranoid eye - who is that?
Baby boy
Testing and testing...
I don't know how many hours i did wait and how many frames i did render. Don't worry i'm not going to put every frame here :) Just some stills.
Clothes of me and my boy
Self promotion video


Self promotion video

3d animated self promo video
