There's no right time to visit Himachal Pradesh. In the winter of 2016, I visited Dalhousie for a week. It wasn't as snowy as I had thought it to be. But it was windy. My hand shivered as I started drawing. After a day, the ink in my brush was frozen.
Here're some attempts to document Dalhousie as I've seen it.
Train journeys are wonderful! The number of portraits you get to see are unimaginable.
This lady believed that it was 'her' god that is running the train, as our train got stuck on Delhi station due to fog.
Standing in front of Pathankot Bus Stand till we found a place to stay, safeguarding all the luggage we had.
Autorickshaws at Pathankot
YHAI basecamp at Dalhousie. Trust me, this is the most luxurious basecamp YHAI has ever offered!
Panchpula, Shiva Cafe. Nice atmosphere. Very tiny. Not sure about the food though.
Kalatop wildlife sanctuary
Gandhi Chowk, Dalhousie
That's the thing about deodar trees; you can either see the top, or the bottom. But never both.
Lunching near a waterfall, singing songs and engrossed in conversations
At Khajjiar
A restaurant in New Delhi 
Hope this excites you about the place and makes you travel if you haven't already :)
Dalhousie | Travelogue

Dalhousie | Travelogue

Dalhousie travelogue


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