Sergio Figaress profil

Mastra Craft Beer / Labels Design for New Styles

Mastra Craft Beer
Labels Design for new styles / Packaging Design

A couple of years after the rebranding, it was time to bottle up all the styles that, until then, were only available at Mastra’s Beer Bars, and launch them to the market along with the classics: Belgian, Golden, Scottish and American.
The challenge was to keep the parameters of the collection without becoming repetitive, giving each brew its own identity.
Continuing with the concept developed for the first 4 styles, we chose a color that could represent each one, either by the beer's own tone or by some outstanding feature. Then we designed each style’s icon, which along with the selected typography works as a kind of logo. 
Each beer has its own personality that refers in some way to the style’s origins, and though all labels share the same elements, they are all completely different. Just like what's inside the bottles!

You can see more about Mastra's Brand Identity Design here.
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Mastra Craft Beer / Labels Design for New Styles


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Mastra Craft Beer / Labels Design for New Styles

Beer Labels design for Mastra's New Styles
