Cambrils Emprèn

Cambrils Emprèn is an enterpreneurs municipal service support and a business net that is part of the Xarxa Catalunya Emprèn, a companies creation network that belongs to the Direcció General d'Economia SocialCooperativa i Treball Autònom del Departament d'Empresa i Ocupació de la Generalitat de Catalunya, which its final goal is to spread the entrepreneurial spirit and the business culture, encourage the business activity creation, support the microenterprise consolidation, as well as self-employed workers and entrepreneurs.

This project is co-funded by the Fons Social Europeu i el Departament d'Empresa i Ocupació de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

"The European Social Fund invests in your future."
Rebranding, identity, stationary, editorial.
Before and after.
Detail folder and pen.
Detail letter.
Detail memo pad and newsletter.
Detail business card.
Detail visitors formulary and information formulary.
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Cambrils Emprèn