Linjie Li sin profil

The City of Possibilities

The City of Possibilities

Co-design with Children from ISGR Developed in collaboration with Anna Hydén, Clémence Couchot, Maddalena Aliprandi

The City of Possibilities is a workshop, a galley, a blog and an office. It is questioning the use of the city space and why the city is so adult oriented and child excluding. We present alternative ways to use spaces in the city – as requested by children. This is to create a contrast to the hegemonic view on how the city should work – and to widen the horizon of future planning of the city space.
- It is about starting up a process, a mindset.
- It is about giving children the tools to analyze, define and re-imagine urban space.
- It is about empowering children, in the sense that children visualize & discuss their visions of the city and what it could be.
- It is about collecting/documenting children’s ideas for the re-imagined city.
- It is about putting value in the opinions and initiatives of children and providing a channel for their ideas to be published and exhibited to the decision makers of the city and to the public.
Our vision is that children should be seen as equal to adults, with the same right to the city and to be part of the negotiation of the city space as any other. This starts by giving a platform for children to start seeing spaces in the city as spaces they could own and use.
Our vision is a city for everyone. A city that belongs to the people living in it. A city of culture, of play. A city where children are allowed to be everywhere and have their own voice and power in the process of planning the city as well as the opportunity to organise activities and be part of the cultural life. Our vision is a city of constant possibilities!
The City of Possibilities

The City of Possibilities
