matt tan's profile

Saarah's handmade soaps with love

A logo and timeline cover done for a handmade soap company. Basically a bit of back information of the company: The soaps are made using essential oils and herbs. All natural. The idea is to provide people chemical free alternative to the soaps we are using with a choice of design and essential oils used. Target audience: anyone who wants a more natural / organic alternative to chemical soaps or foam baths. Great as gifts too.
This is my first drafts of logos done for the company and they picked the middle one.
I did more variations on the one they picked, and came up with a few more variations.
Eventually they settled for this one.
Did a white version of the logo for them.
This was the first draft of the timeline cover after the logo was made.
And this was the final version to the timeline cover design.
Saarah's handmade soaps with love

Saarah's handmade soaps with love
