Perfil de Josh Duan

Sunset by the Lakeside

Sunset by the Lakeside
A Postcard design in Chinese style. From dusk to sunset, then from sunset to a night of full moon. The original idea was based on several Chinese poems which described the period from dusk to the night. Ancient Chinese poets figured out their philosophies based on the changes of weather, time and space. 

Day by day, year by year, these ancient thoughts still impact people at the present time. I hope that I can figure out something, too, by designing these.
天高地迥,觉宇宙之无穷。兴尽悲来,识盈虚之有数。—— 滕王阁序
漸黃昏,清角吹寒,都在空城。念桥边红药,年年知为谁生?—— 扬州慢·淮左名都
月明星稀,乌鹊南飞。绕树三匝,何枝可依。—— 短歌行
Thank you for watching.

Sunset by the Lakeside

Sunset by the Lakeside




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