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However small it seems... (picture book)

P O R   P E Q U E Ñ O   Q U E   P A R E Z C A

"En una noche estrellada si miro al cielo me siento pequeño,
como si fuese un grano de arena comparado con un planeta..."

En este mundo grande, hay ocasiones en las que podemos llegar a sentirnos muy pequeños. La luna es pequeña comparada con la Tierra, la Tierra con el Sol, el Sol con otras estrellas. Pero, realmente, cómo somos... ¿grandes o pequeños? Este libro explora un microuniverso emocional y nos recuerda que, algunas cosas, por pequeñas que parezcan, son capaces de cambiar una realidad, la realidad del lector, la realidad de todos nosotros.

"Por pequeño que parezca", publicado por Onada Edicions, ha sido galardonado con el
Premio Internacional de Álbum Ilustrado Ciutat de Benicarló 2017.

H O W E V E R   S M A L L   I T   S E E M S

"If I look at the sky on a starry night, I feel small; as if I was a grain of sand compared to a planet..."

Sometimes we might feel very small on this big planet. The Moon is small compared to the Earth, and the Earth to the Sun, or the Sun to the other stars. But what are we really like... big or small? This book explores an emotional micro-universe and reminds us that some things, however small they may be, might be able to change our reality, the reality of the reader, everybody's reality.

"However small it seems", published by Onada Edicions, has been awarded with the
City of Benicarló Children's Picture Book International Prize 2017.
However small it seems... (picture book)


However small it seems... (picture book)

"If I look at the sky on a starry night, I feel small; as if I was a grain of sand compared to a planet..." Sometimes we might feel very small o Read More
