Juls / Creabilia's profile

365 reasons to smile

365  r e a s o n s  to  s m i l e
I wondered if it was possible to find a different reason to smile for each day of the year.

It’s surprising how such a simple statement got me through a rather complex process of defining, compiling and categorizing hundreds of smile triggers, and to reflect about the relationship between the physical act of smiling and the feeling of happiness. 

That apparently fatuous question actually helped me to survive some of the hardest times of my life: I moved across the oceans and I found myself with no money, no computer, no house and no clue for the future. A tiny seed of happiness growing by my side, because that’s what this project is about. 

And here it is, a compilation of 365 reasons to smile. Three hundred and sixty five. A project about the degrees of complexity regarding happiness, smiles and color.

More interestingly, the project got a life on its own: after selecting and compiling the 365 reasons in a handmade book, I was curious about the feedback such a project could get, and so I launched a site to share every single reason, a reason a day for 365 days, starting on October 5th 2017, my 28th birthday. Some friends even asked for a mail, so I created a newsletter to send a weekly reason every Thursday.

Come and tell me what are the reasons that make YOU smile.
If this made you smile, you can check the daily uploads at the365smiles.tumblr.com, sign up to the newsletter or share the project with your friends. 
365 reasons to smile

365 reasons to smile

365 reasons to smile is a project about the degrees of happiness, smiles and color.
