Unreal 4 Win/ Loss Conditions
Project built using Unreal Engine version 4.15 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
Video covers most of the major points
I used this project as a chance to built a level that has specific win and loss conditions. In this case if you collect all of the rocks within the level you win and if you lose all your life then you lose. I also used it as a chance to build some basic UI elements like a score tracker, timer and health bar, along with some very basic enemy AI that will chase the player throughout the level. 

This is another project that I went back and improved, mainly in the level design and getting the win and loss conditions working properly. Below is a comparison screenshot of the original design vs the new design.
When I first built it I had just used it as a test for some basic AI behavior trees within Unreal 4, as well as building a C++ class for an item the player could pickup to score a point. In the newer version I made the level much smaller with a more complete maze, along with a win and loss condition. When an enemy collides with the player it does damage which is tracked using the health bar. Most of this project went pretty smooth compared to some of the others I've done, but getting the different elements working together did prove to be a little tricky. In particular I initially had problems getting the win or loss screen to display properly and show the mouse cursor.

Something that I still have a problem with in the project is that when an enemy hits the player the collision isn't quite registering properly and so damage isn't registered unless the player runs into the enemy, this forces the collision volumes through each other and the damage registers. It's likely a very simple issue but after starring at it for so long I just couldn't figure it out.
Unreal 4 Maze

Unreal 4 Maze

Simple maze level built in Unreal 4 demonstrating a few aspects of the engine
