Profil appartenant à Rana Tarek

The Black Cat, fantasy film (character and set design)

Characters and Set Design for ''The Black Cat'' Film, From Tales of Mystery and Imagination written by Edgar Allan Poe..

-Set Design Concept: ''Trees'' all the locations are inspired from nature especially trees.

-Characters Design Concept: ''Hybrid Humans'' where everything is inspired from nature even the characters are hybrid with animals that has the same behavior or habits of the characters in the tale.

The Poster of the Film

The Prison Scene..
where the narrator is arrested inside a prison up over the trees.

Narrator's House On Fire Scene..
where the house is a sphere form, made of different tree branches hanging over a lake. 

Basement Death Scene..
a scene inside the house where the narrator murdered his wife.

The Cat Murder Scene..
Pluto the cat is murdered in the narrator's garden.

Inspiration: Deer and Tree.
Deer is very social, very flexible, good, giving and idealistic. Deer in the wild is extremely wary, constantly surveying its surroundings as it nervously browse on grass and shrubs.
A Dead Deer is used to symbolize the character's contradicting actions at night when he's drunk.

Inspiration: Sheep, Trees and Insects' wing.
Gentleness and innocence is symbolized by a sheep. these gentle timid animals do no harm to any creature and are pure delight. Sheep's horn is used to show that she's a follower to her husband. transparent Insects' wings to show her pure and kind character, Trees to show giving.

Inspiration: Octopus.
Octopus symbolize the ability to regrow or redevelop. also complexity, diversity, mystery, vision and insight.
Octopus' arms are used to show his parasitic character and his body is that bulky to show his dumbness and stupid character.

Inspiration: Chicken.
Perfection, artistic, creative and sophisticated, In their natural environment chickens are fastidiously clean and preen their feathers daily.
Chicken is used as it is very clean and perfect.

Inspiration: Jesus Christ Lizard and Rhino..
Lizards are flexible and highly adaptive to their surroundings.their ability to thrive in such conditions earns them the symbolism of being able to go with the flow. Rhinoceros symbolizes agility, solitary and wisdom.
Jesus Christ Lizard are used as they are super fast and Rhino is a fast attacker.

Inspiration: Two Headed Cat.
Cats are nervous, friendly active and lazy at the same time.
A two headed cat is used to show how contradicting a cat is in its actions, cat is somehow having a selfish and scary personality.

Cinematic Plan and Section for the plateau needed for Scene 1

Cinematic Plan and Section for the plateau needed for Scene 2

Cinematic Plan and Section for the plateau needed for Scene 3

The Black Cat, fantasy film (character and set design)
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The Black Cat, fantasy film (character and set design)

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