Your Photos, Personalized
As someone who had used various photo applications like Instagram, I wanted to create something that gave the user more options that merely filters. PersonalFX introduces the ability to add text onto an image with a layering style similar to popular graphics programs like Photoshop. It gives the user filter, overlay, and frame options along with 30+ custom fonts and a custom color picker. Check it out in iTunes
I wanted to give the ability to turn your average photograph into a personalized expression with out a bunch of complicated procedures. This is why the UI was constructed so that the customization tools are always visible, both above and below the image canvas, rather than being hidden in slide out menus or drawers. If you tap on an option that doesn't apply to the selected layer, you are gently reminded with helpful hints, making it almost impossible to get yourself confused or lost within the application. The number of the currently selected text layer is always visible in the upper left hand corner.
Not only did I feel the placement of the toolbars was important, but the intuitiveness of their functionality was also equally as important. For instance the tool that allows the user to pick a text color, I decided to let the user simply drag their finger to the desired color on the screen and then once there, let them drag the hue, making it lighter or darker.
Another design feature that I thought promoted usablity was to encase all the tool menus in semi-transparent pop overs. This way the user had all the editing power at his fingertips without ever having to leave the main stage. I also assumed that with so many editing options, the user would want to "try" out many differnet combinations to see which one fit best. With the pop over design you can toggle the pop over, pick an option, the pop over automatically dismisses and applies the desired effect. You can repeat the procedure with quickness and ease, more so than slide up modals or being directed to a new view. 
Another important aspect of the application is sharing. I wanted the share options to be easy to use and accessible from the canvas. I chose to show them in a slide up action sheet. This allows the user to slide up the options, share to the desired medium, and once shared they are back at the canvas and can easily repeat the process if they wish to share to more than one place.
Settings... Clean & Simple
I needed a settings screen to give the user the ability to disconnect the currently connected Facebook account. I wanted to design something elegant, yet simple. Some developers or designers get so caught up in the core functionality of the application itself that sometimes the more utilitarian views like "settings" often get little attention. I wanted the application to feel "sexy" no matter where you were.
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PersonalFX is a simple and fun way to transform your normal images into gorgeous looking photos and easily share them with your friends. Pick fr Ver mais

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