"Laina" : yearbook-picture concept drawings for a "fish out of water" student. This for me was mostly a challenge in character consistency and understanding Photoshop brushes (though I ended up remaining within the realm of pencil mode, whoops.)
"Laina in Kindergarten" - digital, 1080 x 1350
"Laina in the First Grade" - digital, 1080 x 810
"Laina in the Fourth Grade- D.C. Trip" - digital, 1080 x 1350
"Laina in the Sixth Grade- Pottery Class" - digital, 1080 x 608
"Laina in the Eighth Grade- Class Photo" - digital, 1080 x 1350
"Laina in the Tenth Grade- Club Meeting" - digital, 1080 x 566
"Laina in the Eleventh Grade- Orchestra" - digital, 1080 x 1080
"Laina in the Twelfth Grade- Yearbook Compilation" - digital, 1080 x 1350



yearbook concepts for a "fish out of water" student. Assignment from the Maryland Institute College of Art.
