Profil Nadya Arizka

User Interface: Smart Building Web

Smart Building: Universitas Gadjah Mada​​​​​​​
About The Project
Smart Building was a project that i did as my thesis. A team of 5 people consist of: product manager, front-end developer, UI/UX designer, and back-end developer collaborated to create this system. 
Smart building itself is a website to monitor energy usage in campus building and to control the electrical devices such as lamps and AC. 

My Role
In this project, i was responsible to design and develop the monitoring page of the website which can be accessed publicly. As UX designer i was responsible to create the flow of the whole system and how it might works and feels.

Development Process
The method / approach that i use to develop this project as a UX designer was The Elements of User Experience by Jesse James Garrett. In this method, the development process was divided into 5 steps:
1. Strategy: In this first stage, i conducted user research to find out the problem that users are facing with current condition. From this stage i was able to creat a persona.

2. Scope: Based on the user research result, i defined the scope of this project including the features and content to be offered to the user.

3. Structure: For this stage, the features that i've defined was tested to the users to validate whether or not the assumed feature and content has fullfiled user's needs. In this stage i used closed card-sorting method. The result was a architecture information

4. Skeleton: Based on the architecture information from the 3rd stage, i was able to put together a wireframe and a low fidelity prototype. To create a desired wireframe, i conducted 1 on 1 session with several users to help me map out their image for this smart building website. 

5. Surface: After the wireframe has been created, i then focused on making high-fidelity prototype and develop the interface using AngularJS 1.6

After developing the website, the UX process hadnt stop right there. Instead, it continued to the evaluation of the prototype using User Experience Questionnaire.
The Result
This project can be accessed on here. Below i attached the screenshots to some of the pages as well as the UEQ result graph, where it showed that the 6 aspects of UX for this website have > 0.8 in score. It means that it has fulfilled the 6 user experience aspects. Though i believe that there are certainly something that can be improved so that the end result can be better.
UEQ Test Result
User Interface: Smart Building Web

User Interface: Smart Building Web

An user interface for smart building web applied at Faculty of Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada
