Laura Sásdi profili

Pop-up Book - Day after Tomorrow

P O P - U P  B O O K
Day after Tomorrow
Day after Tomorrow is a pop-up book about the circulation of time and the relationship between humans and nature. The theme is very close to my heart, that's why I chose to explore it in this book. The story is also aimed at young children who are beginning to understand the nature of time. Paper engineering and illustrations are done by me. 
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The first pages are about the birth of a home and the destruction of nature at the same time.
Then a city emerges around our tiny home and nature is driven back.
After a long time the house is gone, destroyed...
And in the end nature is reborn, but the circulation of time continues.
T H A N K   Y O U

Creator & illustrator: Laura Sásdi
Writer: Mercédesz Larkman
Pop-up Book - Day after Tomorrow
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Pop-up Book - Day after Tomorrow

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