TEDxSMIT | The Possible Dream


We’re conditioned to tell ourselves that our dreams won’t come true. It’s a default setting. We’re told from a very young age that some things won’t work, some things can’t happen. Some things just aren’t possible. We’re forced to accept limitations imposed by others, because others imposed limitations upon them, and then we’re trained to accept those limitations as though they were our own idea. And this Chain reaction of negativity continues.

We, at TEDxSMIT, believe that the world is in dire need of dreamers. People who believe in their art and their ideas for it is through the successful implementation of these ideas that the chain of negativity can be broken. The world needs more people who aren't afraid to turn their dreams into reality. In the last few years, we have seen a rise in the number of people pursuing unconventional career paths from the region. Musicians, artists, sports-persons and entrepreneurs (among others) have started to crop up and this could be a stage for them to find their inspiration.

It is to this end that we present the third edition of TEDxSMIT with the theme
"The Possible Dream"
TEDxSMIT | The Possible Dream