Phil Dunnes profil

Candy Magazine + Sony PSP

Candy Magazine + PSP & Me Competition:

Winning entries in a public competition held by Candy Collective and Sony Playstation in 2006.

Blue biro, pencil and ink on tracing paper and watercolour painting.
Digitally coloured, inked and retouched in Photoshop.
Winner of a public competition held in 2006 by Candy Collective and Sony Playstation Ireland.
The first illustration of the set is to communicate the portability of the PSP.
It can be played anywhere, anytime - on public transport, on lunch, in the garden.

The second piece is it illustrate the music player function of the PSP device.
You can add your music onto the device and listen while you play.
The blue line illustration mimics a rockstar's tattoos and the piece itself
contains pieces from a typical concert set up - the roadie, the stage,
the spotlight, the fans, the rock star lifestyle!

The fashionista can buy a PSP for games and music but for added internet capabilities,
she can broswe and shop online for her favourite shoes, dress and technology.
The piece itself is more glitzy, glamourous and stylish!

Capture images with the PSP and share it with your friends.
The graffiti artist has completed his latest piece and sent onto his art director,
saving time, energy and keeping the immediate energy of his piece!

Sony Playstation is renowned for its quality of games, this piece illustrates
the variety of games available for the device, ranging from beat em ups,
platformers, sports and many more!

Watch movies on your PSP! You can watch any title and flick between a variety of genres.
The girl in this piece can live out her fantasy of being a Hollywood diva with her PSP.
I skecthed a lot of famous images from movies and combined them into one unique piece.
Follow me on the links below for more:
Candy Magazine + Sony PSP

Candy Magazine + Sony PSP

Winner of a public competition held in 2006 by Candy Collective and Sony Playstation Ireland.
