Here you can see a promo-company for the ‘Back to school’ FW 2017/18 campaign. Mostly this collection consists of accessories for the new academic year and clothes suitable for school and university classes. It was presented in August 2017 as:
— a gallery on a website and branded Facebook page,

— animated pictures on Instagram / Instastories,

— posters at stores near special zones,

— and short movies on a large videoscreens also in the stores.
The general idea of the BTS Identity was to create similar layout fitting to a different mediums — POS printing materials for stores and several digital formats (static / animated pictires, videos) using different text frames appropriate to several languages.
The base for all this graphics was a set of re-touched images, filmed at professional studio with distinct background combined with BTS logotype.
Here is a gallery made for It was placed at the 'Trends' unit during August 2017 —
January 2018.
This gif was placed as a cover for Sinsay Facebook page. 
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SiNSAY is a clothing brand for loud, brave and highly expressive girls, who boldly follow the latest trends. It belongs to one of the largest Pol Daha Fazla Bilgi

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