On the Lincoln Highway in Nebraska Black & White
On the Lincoln Highway in Nebraska - Color
Curt Cowdy State Park, Wyoming
Curt Gowdy State Park, Wyoming
Picnic table at Vedawoo - Picnic tables are just interesting to me
Vedawoo Rock Formation
Vedawoo Rock Formations in Medicine National Forest
Vedawoo Rock Formations in Medicine National Forest
Vedawoo Rock Formations in Medicine National Forest
zoom in and look for the rock climbers
Vedawoo Rock Formations in Medicine National Forest
zoom in and look for the rock climbers
Vedawoo Rock Formations in Medicine National Forest
zoom in and look for the rock climbers
Vedawoo Rock Formations in Medicine National Forest
Rock climbers are the two little specks
Vedawoo Rock Formations in Medicine National Forest
Vedawoo Rock Formations in Medicine National Forest
Sunset at Lake of the Ozarks State Park
Sunset at Lake of the Ozarks State Park
Sunset at Kentucky Dam State Park
Sunset at Kentucky Dam State Park
Last Week of Trip

Last Week of Trip

On the last week of the trip we drove through Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, and Kentucky. In Wyoming we visited Vedawoo Rock Formations in the Med Læs mere
