old-school shoot'em up +  imaginary LED console = LED'em up 
LED'em up is a simple concept for a game that was never made. The idea was to create an emulation of an non-existing LED display, handheld console with a frantic shoot'em up game. 
Our imaginary LED display offered a very small resolution: 60 x 54 lights. This limitation was a great catalyst for creativity. Main visual idea was to simulate depth by different illumination levels.    
Shoot'em up games would be pretty boring without something to shoot up. Images below show examples of enemy movement patterns. Movement animation would be made on a 60 x 54 grid. 
I also made a simple design of the first boss. I mean... you got to have boss fights, right?
LED'em up is a pretty old design of mine (somewhere around 2010) and was never put into production. I think it's a pretty fun idea, one I might still explore in the future.
LED'em Up

LED'em Up
