Eighteen months ago, photographer Mark Newton embarked on a personal project to document his local beer scene.  Borne out of his own curiosity, the self-confessed ‘beer geek’ saw it as a way to challenge both himself and his work.  What developed, however, was a desire to delve deeper into the Yorkshire brewing culture and extensively document the people and places that have come to define it.  He’s now ready to share these images in an ambitious new photobook, Beer Yorkshire.

Built on tradition and driven by innovation, Yorkshire hosts some of the beer industry’s foremost purveyors and producers.  From breweries to bottle shops, festivals to farmers, it’s a story characterised by the strong and fiercely independent people who make the beer scene what it is.

Through a mix of portrait and documentary photography, Mark’s extensive work depicts the fascinating intersection of brewing cultures which have come to exemplify not only the Yorkshire beer scene, but the beer scene in Britain as a whole.  From those that choose to preserve their craft, to the innovators pedalling against convention, all share a common narrative; the pursuit of good beer.  The Beer Yorkshire book is a celebration of an industry which has not only survived but thrived - buoyed by our insatiable thirst for good beer.

In collaboration with independent craft beer magazine Hop & Barley, Mark is working to curate his photography into a carefully designed coffee table book.  Printed and bound in Yorkshire by Pressision, and using the finest paper from Hull’s G F Smith; the Beer Yorkshire book will be a fine art object, designed to complement the passion and craft of those featured.  Mark is now looking to raise £16,000 via Kickstarter, to help print and publish the book.  We ask that you get involved, help spread the word, and pledge what you can.

Mark Newton


Published by
Hop & Barley​​​​​​​

Beer Yorkshire

Beer Yorkshire

A coffee table book celebrating Yorkshire’s diverse brewing landscape.
