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Are you an expectant mother and already leaping for joy as you look forward to the arrival of your child? Do you want to have a healthy child and avoid stillbirth? Do you also know that pregnancy can affect your teeth and gums due to the increased hormones in your body?

According to research, pregnant women who have decayed gums and do not maintain proper and healthy oral hygiene are more likely to have premature babies because pregnancy leads to increased hormonal changes that may lead to an increased risk of developing gum disease that affects the health of the unborn baby. Visiting the best dental clinic is one way of ensuring that you have a healthy oral hygiene.

The primary symptoms of gum diseases during pregnancy include:

• Bleeding of the gum
• Having red gums instead of pink
• Experiencing swollen gums
• And having bad breath.

However there is a need to maintain healthy teeth during pregnancy and here are some basic tips for pregnant women to keep a good oral health before, during, and after pregnancy.

• Clean your teeth professionally before getting pregnant

When you are about taking-in, it is essential to visit a dentist and get a professionally cleaned tooth and also have your gum tissue carefully examined in advance to ensure that your teeth are in excellent condition because pregnant women are at risk of having tooth decay, if they fail to maintain a healthy oral health.

• Conduct a dental x-ray during pregnancy

A dental x-ray should be carried out during pregnancy; this will help safeguard you and the baby in the womb from tooth-related diseases. Also, let your dentist know the names of drugs and dosages you are taking because your dentist may need this information in planning treatment for you.

• When pregnant, do not brush after vomiting

Every pregnant woman experiences different types of morning sickness and may have the urge to brush their teeth quickly. However, it is recommended that you only rinse your mouth with non-acidic and alcoholic mouthwash because brushing your teeth very early may cause stomach acids to destroy your tooth enamel.

• After vomiting rinse your mouth with water

Add a spoon of soda to the water and rinse your mouth, make sure you spit out the water after cleaning.

• Eat balanced and healthy diet

Every pregnant woman needs to eat a healthy and balanced food because the fetus in the womb starts developing teeth, gums, and bones at three months into the pregnancy and therefore need this food to grow. The food must contain an adequate amount of protein, carbohydrates, fats, mineral. Also, try to avoid sugary snacks which lead to tooth decay.

• Do not skip your dental appointment

A pregnant woman needs a dentist more than any other person because during pregnancy the hormone in the body increases and they are at high risk of gum diseases. Therefore you must visit your doctor to examine any changes in your gum, bleeding or swelling in your tooth that might arise as a result of this hormonal increase.

• Be careful when flossing your tooth.

Pregnancy leads to increase in hormones which in turn increases the risk of gum disease, that can only be treated by flossing of your teeth to remove plaques or food pieces which the toothbrush could not reach. It is recommended that you gently floss your teeth before brushing them, your gum may bleed for the first time, but you do not need to worry because it will stop after the initial removal of in-built plaques.

• Stay hydrated

During pregnancy, so many women experience dry mouth which can put them at risk of tooth infection. It is recommended that you drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and chew gums with no sugar to enhance saliva production in your mouth. Also, drink non-sweetened dairy milk or calcium-fortified alternatives.

• Eat foods that contain more of calcium

Eating food that contains calcium strengthens the bone and makes the teeth stronger during pregnancy. Some good sources of calcium include spinach, cheese, milk, yogurt, and almonds. You can also use calcium supplements if your diet does not contain calcium.

• Brush regularly

During pregnancy, your teeth and gums need serious attention; therefore you must brush twice daily.
In summary, it is essential to see a dentist in the best dental clinic regularly during pregnancy. They can help examine your teeth and look for signs of teeth decay or gum diseases. You must also maintain a healthy tooth by flossing at least once daily, staying hydrated and eating a balanced diet.

