Darshan Joshi's profile

Events - An evening platform!

Events UX Goal:
01. Easy to use User Interface.
02. Let user see and interact with popular events happening nearby.
03. Improve on page engagement and expand detail page journey.
04. Motivate users to organize a new event to keep platform growing.
05. Let user search specific event(s) and not limiting them to the events shown on the page.
06. Motivate users to share an event on various social platforms.
07. Make the payment page easy and payment flow quick (by prefilling user's info in the inputs).
08. Showing the tickets count, type and an edit option on the payment page.
09. Displaying related/suggested events for upselling.
10. Showing events on the home page based on the previous search/explore category.
Home Page:
01. Let user explore events happening nearby his location.
02. A prominent search bar on the header above the fold to make events searchable.
03. Trending events list help the user get started in case the user doesn't know what to do next.
04. The most popular event list is like you can't go wrong with these events. If the event category is something you like you will definitely enjoy the event.
05. Categories list helps you explore the events happening under those categories.

Event Details UX:
01. Above the fold shows the event picture uploaded by the event organizer.
02. The background with gradient remains the same. It helps us deliver the uniform user experience.
03. The user gets to see the price bucket for the event.
04. Social sharing is really powerful bringing new users and market your events. The social share is something we display above the fold and motivates the user to hit the share button.
05. The event detail section is divided into two sections. The left section contains the information about the event while the right section contains the information about when the event is happening and where the event is happening.
06. In case of doubt, the user might be able to contact the organizer via email or phone.
07. Suggested events are pulled based on the event the user is viewing. It helps us upsell the event tickets and helps us engage user more on our website. 
Event Booking:
01. Hitting the Register button on the event detail page brings the user to the Event booking page.
02. The screen lets the user see the type of tickets available for the event.
03. The user may select the desired quantity of tickets.
04. The total ticket quantity and amount gets displayed at the bottom of the booking screen. The user might get clear direction what he has selected so far and what's the total fee.
05. Hitting Book Now lets user see the payment page.
Payment Page:
01. The platform stores the user's information and the payment information (card number only, obviously).
02. These details are pre-filled and displayed on the left side of the screen. While on the right user may see the event location and time it will be happening.
03. The user needs to enter the CVV number in case of pre-filled form and hit Pay button.
04. The user can see the ticket information and can edit the ticket quantity and make the journey through the payment page.
05. A successful payment leads to a successful booking.

Admin UX Goals:
01. Letting user see the events, booking, and earning statistics right on the dashboard page.
02. The dashboard should let admin explore new events and latest bookings right on the dashboard.
03. The search on the header bar allows admin to search anything within the system.
04. Admin users will be able to explore all the categories, search categories, and add new right on the same page. Lesser the nested page journey better the user experience.
05. The events module should let the user manage the event and show an abstract event detail along with popular event booking time and interest time!
Events - An evening platform!

Events - An evening platform!

Events - Event management platform. Create and explore events. Event management UX/UI design project.
