Profil appartenant à John C. Zielinski

Parametric Distortions: Ai & Alien

Visualization of the raging, insane artificial intelligence of Harlan Ellison's classic short story "I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream".
HAL 9000, degrading and afraid 
Inspired by the classic film "2001: A Space Odyssey". Portrait of the artificial intelligence as Astronaut Dave Bowman shuts it down.
Inspired by the classic film "War Games". Portrait of the artificial intelligence at the moment it solves Tic Tac Toe and achieves a brief flicker of awareness.
The Ai from William Gibson's brilliant, classic novel.
Skynet Awakens
Inspired by the classic film "The Terminator". Portrait of the artificial intelligence as it achieves awareness.
Ai from William Gibson's brilliant, classic novel "Neuromancer".
Snow Crash
The deadly code virus from the novel of the same name.
The New Construct
The newborn Ai from William Gibson's brilliant, classic novel "Neuromancer".
The Flood (early stage)
Inspired by the Halo game series.
Inspired by the Halo game series.
The New Flesh
Inspired by the movie "Videodrome".
The New Flesh, #2
Inspired by the movie "Videodrome".
The Rampacy of the Protomolecule
Inspired by the TV series "The Expanse".
Parametric Distortions: Ai & Alien
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Parametric Distortions: Ai & Alien

Abstract portraits of Artificial and Alien life

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