Art direction - Graphic design

America is a quarterly magazine available in newsstands and bookstores founded by François Busnel et Eric Fottorino on which I'm proud to be the art director. It describe, on a quarterly basis, the country under the Donald Trump era. Its beauty as well as its flaws and cracks. America will span four years:Trump’s entire term which the writers will chronicle.
America, revue créée par François Busnel ( La grande Librairie / France 5) et Eric Fottorino ( l'hebdo Le 1), dont j'ai le bonheur de prendre la direction artistique est un trimestriel original, de qualité et sans publicité. America durera 4 ans, le temps du mandat de Trump dont les écrivains seront les mémorialistes. Edition : Les Editions America / Conception maquette : BePoles


AMERICA is a quarterly magazine available in newsstands and bookstores on which I'm proud to be the art director. It describe, on a quarterly bas Read More
