Le Placard BIO

Food watercolors for a French organic brand.
I was asked to build still life illustrations with hand drawn typography for their packaging line.
Each illustration features healthy simple products and culinary aids for everyday cooking.


La pizza légumes du soleil
 Pizza time ! A dish to share
La gaufre pur beurre
The golden crispy waffles - A savory childhood snack
 Les galettes au sarrasin
A delicious french speciality 
La pâte feuilletée pur beurre
How to bake a local Apple pie from scratch
Le granola aux noix
A great day starts with a quality breakfast
Les spaghettis intégrales
Simple but delicious dish, perfect post training session

Les aromates pour poissons
Dress the fish - A taste of summer

Le velouté de champignons
Creamy mushroom soup - An healthy dish that will keep you warm

La confiture de cerise
Cinnamon rolls with cherry jam – A fall delight
Thanks for watching !
Follow me on Instagram (@sophie_varela)



Food watercolors for a French organic brand. I was asked to build still life illustrations with hand drawn typography for their packaging line. E 阅读更多内容
