asm student bus pass 17 - 18
print design, animation, social media content
this past year, I was lucky enough to design the bus pass for the University of Wisconsin student body. this pass is distributed to over 40,000+ students each year.
working with the Associated Students of Madison and Madison Metro, we came to a solution that abstracted the idea of bus travel in Madison. using color samples from the different bus routes that students most commonly took, a pass was designed based on downtown routes. these routes were then used to create a cohesive pattern that would serve as the cornerstone of the rest of the campaign.​​​​​​​
ASM Bus Pass Flyers, 8.5 in x 11 in
ASM Bus Pass Fall Housing Screen Advertisement
ASM Bus Pass Spring Housing Screen Advertisement
a majority of the campaign manifested itself in digital media such as displays in the dorms and dining halls and a social media campaign.

the following shows samples of the social media campaign for the fall semester.
lastly, the following shows samples of the social media campaign for the spring semester.
UW Bus Pass 17 - 18
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UW Bus Pass 17 - 18

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