Student Loans: 
Advertising: Informational Poster
Project: Design an informational poster for a subject that often gets overlooked

Client: School Project (Student Aid Alberta)

Solution: The concept for this project originally coming from the idea that student loans are not governed once a student receives them. Students are free to do whatever they want with their loan. It is easy to see how one could feel as if  they are not spending their own money, similar to that of monopoly or a game. The reality is it's money that needs to be repaid. Utilizing a popular card game Cards Against Humanity, that helps target the university audience, you can bring the subject up in a non-threatening humorous way. The concept still addresses the issue at hand and directs students to find more information on managing their student loans. 

Cards Against Humanity is available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0 license.
Student Loans

Student Loans
