Saman Imran's profile

WINNER-Rome 2017 Competition


The design proposes a new bridge for Rome with the intention of also bridging the past and future. The design takes inspiration from the Tiber legend of Romolo and Remo, the founders of Rome who were spawned by the very river. The bridge incorporates a bath complex to allow Romans and tourists to enjoy the waters of the river. The idea, in turn, is a nod to the ancient Roman bathhouses: an important element of socialisation for citizens of all classes, wealth and status.

View the website's entry here.
Refounding Tiber

Legend says Rome was founded by the twin brothers Romulus and Remus, sons of Rhea Silvia and Tiberius, Guardian of Tiber. Their story is intricately sewn with the legend of Tiber. Though they were birthed by Rhea Silvia, they were brought up as wolves by the she-wolf Lupa, who nurtured them after they were abandoned on the bank of Tiber. Tiberius saved them
and married their mother. Since ancient times the image of the twins being suckled by a she wolf has been a symbol of Rome and its people. The vision of Tiber’s rebirth is weaved with Rome’s birth.

Even though Tiber is the foundation of Rome, it has lost its purpose along the way. While Rome is the eternal picture of Renaissance, the river seems untouched by its wave.  Although it lies central in Rome, the river has not found its place in the culture, society and traditions of Rome. The key for the rebirth of Tiber is through integration of contemporary and history.
Water has played a fundamental role in the unparalleled technological accomplishments of Rome. Aqueducts, thermaes and fountains were designed around the central element of water. Hence when we talk of water as a muse, we gain inspiration from the historic examples and set a modern twist to them. The proposed design relies heavily on the contemporary lifestyle of the youth of Rome. Health has become one of the prime measurements of one’s well being. With the changing times, youth are placing great significance to staying fit and healthy which is the reason, gymnasiums are being popularized and populated.

The proposal is a pedestrian bridge across river Tiber, the form of which is symbolic of the Tiberius family. The pedestrian bridge consists of an access to a movable gym that floats on water, a thermae or bathing complex, a café cum library and shops.
The gym is movable through pedaling of stationary bikes and excess energy generated so is stored. The gym also screens and collects debris and pollutants in the river, effectively cleaning it. It’s designed so the front transparent panel made of light f­abric glass gives a wide view of the river horizon. The gym has an access plate on the roof which rotates and detaches so the gym can connect to the pedestrian bridge lift tower and gym users can access the gym.
The bath complex has a Tepidarium, Caldarium and Frigidarium, i.e. a lukewarm water pool, a hot water pool and a cold water pool respectively. It’s designed so the gym goers may refresh themselves after a workout. Additionally, a café library complex also has inbuilt bookcases and shops on the ground floor.­
It provides a complete health experience to the Roman youth where a mutual relationship with the environment is formed. While taking from the river its resources, you give back the river its identity.  The proposed design is the modern mirror of the historic thermae which undoubtedly were brilliant architectural feats.
Initial form proposals, ideas and sketches
Initial idea was to go for an organic thought or free flowing form in order to stand bold against the dominating masculinity of Roman architecture. A feminine form also resonates with the nature of the river and what it stands for. While the original idea had more charm, linear forms were also considered.
Concept [Left]; Site Model [Center]; Plans [Right]; Section [Bottom]
View of Pedestrian Bridge from the river
Night view of the Bathing Complex
View of Cafe-library Complex from the central lift
View of Bath Complex from the central lift
Multiple Benefits of the Moving gym

Views of Interior
WINNER-Rome 2017 Competition

WINNER-Rome 2017 Competition

Winner Of Eleven Magazine's ''People's Choice Award'' [Rome 2017 Architectural Competition]
