During the first year of the Master's Degree in Design, we were challenged to develo a project of packaging design.
Teaser synthesizing our project.
A summary of our research on the category of the chosen products by the group to intervention: beard care products.
With the development of the project, we realized that we would have to create a sub-brand and not work with an existing brand. So we look for our "mother brand" through an inquiry and its respective analysis.
Our concept was born from the Celtic Culture, and our brand's name from Irish Gaelic.
Bélfolt = Face (Bél) + Hair (Folt)
A resume of our graphic study.
A resume of our packaging study.
Catalog of combs with their respective identification.
Motion Graphics
* Fabiola Jennings

* Patrícia Ribeiro
* Sofia Rodrigues
* Tiago Carneiro