Rensi Ke's profile

Why Are You Still Single?

Why are you still single?
I can afford the rent for my apartment alone. 
People who are adept at entertaining themselves don't really need to enter a relationship.
People with a WIFI connection will never feel lonely even if they are otakus.
You don't find intimacy in romantic love only.
Come on, let me serve you a piece of pie. 
Falling in love to shut people up is like buying an iPhone 8 to show off how rich you are. 
Boo hoo my phone has a battery swelling problem.
Lit a candle for you.
Isn't that because some parents snuck to get an ultrasound [to detect the sex of the baby] years ago?
For outsiders, the joy of empty-nest youths may be hard to understand. [Note: "Empty-nest youth" is a Chinese Internet meme describing young people living alone. The implication is that such people are often not in a relationship.]
Queers can't row the boat of love whenever they want. [Note: "The boat of love" is a Chinese Internet meme.] 
Why Are You Still Single?

Why Are You Still Single?

Illustrations that discuss why some Chinese young people do not rush to enter relationships.
