
Greatness is achieved when the impossible is brought into reality. When all obstacles that make something seem irrational are overcome. That is the concept ‘s evokes in this visual representation of one of earth’s greatest mammals to walk- the elephant. With its size, patients, and strength it is shown walking over a great mound- the only big obstacle- preventing it from getting to its destination. TreePhant is a 12” representation that what is desired is only a mound away from achieving, all it takes is patience, percistence, and focus.

This piece was made using the coiling technique of ceramic making, and wood-fired overnight to temperatures as high as 2,500˚F. Openings are creates in the sculpture for storage uses, as well as the occasional scented candles around the home.


Nature within Limits is a piece reminiscent of a young child’s imagination when reading story books. I remember when I used to read the Roald Dahl books- Matilda, The BFG, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and so on- and was always fascinateed by the illustrations in the corners as the story went on. This piece is a representations of that world on the pages of your imagination, wrapped in a blanket of troubles and disarray- the real world.
Nature within Limits was created using the slab technique of ceramic making, pre-flashed and soda-ash fired to extreme temperatures in excess of 3,400˚ F.
Conceptual Ceramics

Conceptual Ceramics

Ceramic pieces handmade using some of the different techniques and firing.
