Angel Cheung's profile

Marvels & Mishaps: Capturing Life Abroad

Six months abroad in Germany, featuring European cities in its stillness, and chaos.
March – July, 2017

Ever green, not evergreen | Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany
Adjusting to a quieter lifestyle | Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany
On Mondays, museums are closed. (It still counts if I took a picture, right?) | Stuttgart, Germany
Hey Lizzy! | Paris, France
Lourve at first sight | Paris, France
Intermitting | Paris, France
Marvels & Mishaps: Capturing Life Abroad

Marvels & Mishaps: Capturing Life Abroad

Marvels and Mishaps: The Captured Joys of a Semester Abroad. Blessed by an opportunity to study a semester in Germany, I was able to travel aroun Read More
