As a child we see the world through an unblemished lens. As an adult we often try to catch glimpses of the perspective we had as a child, but it comes filtered through our life experience.  Mind Games explores our perceptions of childhood through the lens of adulthood. The garden is at once a representation of these myriad states of being, and a sensory experience that invites both children and adults to play in a field of fallen leaves.

Approaching the garden from the exterior end you peer through a diaphanous screen that serves as a filter for light and shadow.  Here the interior garden is seen in silhouette projecting shadows against the screen at different points in the day. This is a space of contemplation with varying opacities around its perimeter.  As you walk into the interior the appearance of a prototypical bosque of Sugar Maple Trees is upended.  The bosque is rotated off axis and set within an undulating turf topography. Within the topography there are ten thousand plastic balls of yellow orange and red creating an explosion of color inviting kids and adults to play in a field of fallen leaves that is under perpetual change.
Mind Games

Mind Games
