Project: edit a story about the architect Zaha Hadid and design a layout for the edited article to appear in Marie Claire magazine for their "Women of the Year 2012" package
 Project: Design and opening spread for a story about the bystander effect in The Intelligent Optimist magazine. In the story, there is a quote about being able to tell "steam from smoke" in times of crisis. I really liked the analogy of steam and smoke used in the piece to show how people assess situations and why they choose to act or not. I chose to use a photo of a mystical-looking waft of smoke (or steam) in the opening spread that’s hugged by the hed and leads the reader’s eyes down to the dek and the opening text. I added feathering effects to the semi-transparent white box that encloses the dek and opening text to give the illusion of smoke/steam.
Editorial Designs (student work)

Editorial Designs (student work)

Editorial layouts for student projects


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