Mandla Mahashe's profile

How Journalism Improved lives....

In my years as a journalist I have written a many stories where as a result the destitute received help for their relative challenges. These are some of these articles. You will note a lot of stories about rats feasting on shack dwellers, especially young children. This was a difficult time for shack dwellers as rats feasted on families, it is after these stories were published that the City started prioritizing bating and curbing the infestation. There is also an incident where the City of Cape Town refused taking a book donated by LGBT group with poems and short stories written by lesbians, after writing about this the City made a U turn and accepted the book.  These are some of the rewards of being a journalist, giving the poor and down trodden a voice. I am proud of this work. I thank you.
How Journalism Improved lives....

How Journalism Improved lives....


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