25 persons - a team - 25 heads - 25 bodies - 50 hands - 50 legs - 250 fingers - 800 teeth - 200 incisors - 100 canines - not a text text text - just a movement movement movement - with a different age - with a different sex - with a different body conditions - with a different experiences - with a different senses - different preferences - habits - expectations - they are saying that a good theatre team is the team which can play the wedding - they are saying that a good theatre is the team which can play everything - the team has been building for years - the team has been changing - shorting - expanding - depends on contract number - bounded to the place - the city - to the stage - to the collegues - it plays in the headquater - it plays as a feature - they are engaged te each other by the contract - the passion - art - ambition - tradition - accomplishments - the team has something - has something in repertoir - the team has something to offer - an honour to show you - a mainspring - the audience - MARAT, WHAT'S HAPPENED TO OUR REVOLUTION? - the team is staying - is moving - making a lunatic pictures - liberty leading the people - the gestures of adoration - an iconography of tortures - repeat - the way of the cross - the animals in circus - the gestures of adoration - the team is striking a pose of Marat - the team is moving - they are going in the revolutionary circle - they are singing and starting to move backwards - two revolutionary circles - explosion - explosion - explosion - explosion - repeat - somebody falls - maybe he's playing a fall without falling - chaos - chaos -in an order - but the chaos - everybody to the checkpoint - a bomb - everybody is falling - crawling - one gesture of the hand - now rising - eight hands is rising a kicking meat - to the bath - to the bath - put the bath - slowly - more slowly - single moves, single contras against the other in an unisono - a group is making afterimages made of movement - something big - had been changed int0 the memory - now they are shaking - something is itchy - heads - are putting of - are peeling away - the wigs - a narcotic baroque - they seem that they had not remembered - they are trembling - the fever inside - the fever outside - they are trembling - everything is shaking outside - the walls of the theatre is falling - the stage barrels and the reflectors are falling - parliament - is in an epilepsy - first, second, third, fourth picture of the illness - they are joining into a group - the hands are throwing something - the heads are slowly rotating - the bodies are setting for the food - a diagonal queue
T. Śpiewak

It is year 1808. The representants of the new goverment class are going to a mental health clinic in Charenton
to watch a play written and directed by Markiz the Sade.
The promo photoshoot made for Osterwa's Theatre in Lublin for the play Marat/Sade written by Peter Weiss.
Thanks for watching
Love, Malwina




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