Magento Vendor: Cedcommerce
Name: Marketplace Extension by Cedcommerce
Highlight features:
    Allow vendors to insert their names, logos, banners, phone numbers and social media links displayed on their shop page
    Support multiple currencies
    Enable creating and managing groups of vendors and their access via various features
    Support all types of products such as Simple, Configurable, Bundle, etc by Cross Sell, Up Sell, Related Products, and Custom Options
    Support different shipping methods and enable calculating the price vendors
    Notify via emails
Today the Magento 2 store is necessary to install a Marketplace extension. Because this extension has flexible features, it can convert any store into a multi-vendor marketplace. Thanks to this extension, the Vendors can display and sell their products. In addition, the store owner is easy to manage all the vendor products and their sales.

Magento Vendor: Magebay
Name: Marketplace Extension by Magebay
Highlight features:
    Enable managing all income, latest order, best sale, reviews, messages, etc by Seller Dashboard
    Display graphical chart of the total sales with time filter
    Admins can manage orders, create different new products
    Check or export the withdrawals history in Withdrawals page
    Send email notification to vendors for new comments and reviews from customers
    Allow the customers to send the message to the sellers
This extension is the tool help your store succeed on growing up the vendors within website

Magento Vendor: Vnecoms
Name: Marketplace Extension by Vnecoms
 Highlight features:
    Manage flexible commission based on multiple fees or seller groups, categories
    Admins can manage the profile form via My Account section
    Supports all payment methods in Magento 2
    Support Simple, Configurable, Virtual products
    Enable creating seller groups
    Easy to manage all vendors from the magento backend
    Manage the custom seller attributes to display in registration forms
This extension is an effective tool for any Magento 2 store to convert it into the multiple vendor's marketplaces. It is enabled for a seller to control their own products, sales, invoices, shipments, etc by seller panel. It is also easy to customize the storefront beautifully. Moreover, the customers totally can review as well as rate for the vendors.

Multivendor Marketplace for Magento 1
Magento Vendor: Apptha
Name: Marketplace Extension by Apptha
 Highlight features:
    Allow admins to add name or URLs for their web pages
    Enable creating custom attributes
    Allow sellers to import videos from YouTube for adding demo or promotional content
    Easy to apply multiple filters attributes and performance
    Count number of sold products
    Support Ajax loading
    Display the total number of stocks without needing to check inventory
This extension will be the foundation for your success of Multi-Vendor Marketplace Store

Magento Vendor: Cedcommerce
Name: Marketplace Extension by Cedcommerce
 Highlight features:
    Get proper features to transform Magento store to Multi-Vendor Marketplace
    Enable controlling vendors on mobile devices and accessing the vendor panel by fingerprint
    Easy to customize and make code
    Distribute properly the commission between the vendors with Fixed or Percentage rate calculation methods
    Summarize all the vendor panel on a page with graphical and systematic looks
There are many helpful features included in CedCommerce Multi-Vendor Marketplace extension which will make your store’s business become an international e-commerce shop. It updates the vendors continually ; therefore, the marketplace owner can manage total vendors and their functionalities easily.

Magento Vendor:
Name: Marketplace Extension by Medma
Highlight features:
    No change core files
    Vendors can import, update products in bulk or export them easily
    Admins can set default ROLE for vendor from configuration
    Separate vendors by Vendor Profile, uploading avatars
    Display the best-seller products and products collections on vendor profile page
    Different commission based on rates for different vendors
    Create all different types of products from Vendor Section
To become a multi-vendor store, now it is very easy just by installing the Multi Vendor Marketplace This module will be able to convert your Magento Store to Multi vendor Marketplace. It also can separate seller section for their products.

Magento Vendor: Modulebazaar
Name: Marketplace Extension by Modulebazaar
 Highlight features:
    Enable converting the Magento site into Multiple Seller Marketplace
    Multiple vendors are enabled to register and sell their products
    Give sellers permission to manage products, invoice, and shipment in responsive seller dashboard
    Admins can set commissions for vendors, products, categories, customer groups and product types
    Vendors can manage simple and configurable products
    Allow sellers to upload the products images via the CSV file
    Enable setting the ability to display reviews
By installing this Marketplace extension, it is easy to convert your Magento store to a multi-vendor store. Moreover, it can configure the shop to be unique and attractive. Admin can manage all the product catalog, orders, invoices, payments etc.
top magento 2 multivendor marketplace

top magento 2 multivendor marketplace


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