Hunt for geometry

It was once believed that space shuffle is a place, or even time, where spaces meet their own reflections. The exact definition still does not exist.
Some say, that it’s entrance can be seen where the shadows play with light. Their trembling game seduces and deceives the observer. Do not trust them too much, after all, they are only shadows.

At the very entrance, there’s a sign: Not that left, not that right and not that straight. Those who went far enough, claim that they have found spaces (rooms) playing on some kind of marry-go-round, giggling and not thinking if anyone can hear or see them. Others, yet, assure us that they found moving staircase that lead straight to nowhere, by strictly following the signs.

Then, there are beliefs  that space shuffle is some kind of being or phenomenon that is very hard, or even impossible to catch. No one really knows how it looks. It appears form nowhere and always in different kind of form. You could say that it has countless faces. Eyewitnesses claims that it’s composed of some kind of rays and geometric shapes that overlap and pervade, forming entire metropolises. They say that some of them can be seen only when eyes are closed.
                                  "Magenta", oil on canvas, 150x100cm
                                            "Metro", oil on canvas, 150x110cm
                                         "Space shuttle", oil on canvas, 150x110cm
                                         "Liman", oil on canvas, 150x90cm
                                         "Entrance", oil on canvas,150x110cm
Space shuffle

Space shuffle


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