This project was about using contrasting colors. Like with all out my projects, I try to find the simplest part of the project and build around that. My first thought when I heard of the project was to us complimentary colors because they will automatically contrast each other. With that out of the way I could focus more on the creation of the project and not making things light enough or dark enough to contrast.
During this project, I had a handicap. Im still getting use to using Adobe Illustrator so there wasn't much i could do to make this project stand out. Atleast thats what i thought until I seen everyone else during the WIP. With time running out, I stayed as simple as I could and made sure I kept my project simple and concise.
I started with 501 first since that is my actual area code. I can relate to that so I put a good amount of time into that. Next was 504. That one was pretty simple so it didn't take me much time to create a composition. The 808 and the 007 came from movies. The 808 was supposed to look like a ocean rising on the beach but its hard to see the 808. Luckily it didn't say that the numbers had to be legible. The last two took the most time because those were the ones that i thought were the most creative. I put about 2 hours into each one of those and they came out the best.
I stick to my guns and keep things simple. I learned that there is a lot i need to learn about illustrator but with more time and more playing around with the software I can be good at it.

Contrasting colors

Contrasting colors

