Asked by Company XIV to explore increasing the square footage of their existing theatre, we came up with three distinct options. The addition in all cases includes adding a bar, an in-house costume shop and the potential for a larger lobby space, but in all three options the relationship between these program elements and the theatre varies.

The first and smallest option plays with the proximity of costume shop and bar. It considers a visitor to the theatre bar getting a glimpse into the makings of some of the intricate costumes the company makes for their shows - providing a very singular experience of a look behind theatre scenes.

The second option offers the opportunity to actually travel through the theatre as a bar visitor - thereby possibly getting a glimpse of the ongoing show while climbing the staircase to the bar above, and enticing them to return and see one of Company XIV's amazing shows. In this option the costume shop is located on a mezzanine within the double-height space of the bar, allowing a different behind the scenes glance to bar visitors.

The third and largest option increases part of the already high existing ceiling of 17' by another 19' and inserts the bar to overlook the theatre on its whole back wall. Bar guests can spy on the ongoing show from their high vantage point, allowing for a very unique experience. A mezzanine is incorporated which allows even more theatre seating on a higher level, whilst allowing the floor area of the theatre to be maximized.
Gowanus Theatre

Gowanus Theatre

Schematic Design for the addition and enlargement of an existing performance space on the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn, New York


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