Profiel van Meg Long

Vertices: Duke Univ. Journal of Science & Technology

Duke University Journal of Science and Technology
I collaborated with nine other design students in designing Vertices, the Duke University Journal of Science and Technology. In addition to being responsible for the design of the article, “Google Earth,” I was also nominated to project manage the magazine: making last minute corrections, staying on top of deadlines and balancing communication with the printer, fellow designers, editors and writers at Duke.
I and another designer collaborated in designing the longest article in the journal, entitled "Google Earth: An analysis of Google Earth layers as a communication and marketing tool in raising environmental awareness."
Cover designed by Teresa Cunningham
Opening spread designed by Teresa Cunningham, featuring photography by Nick Schlax
Vertices: Duke Univ. Journal of Science & Technology

Vertices: Duke Univ. Journal of Science & Technology

Nine other students and I collaborated to design Vertices, the Duke University Journal of Science and Technology.
